About Me


Jenn Wert Parent and Professional Parenting Coach

Having spent my entire life searching for what family really means, I’ve been devoted to the practice of parenting well before becoming a mom. Along the way, to my delight, I’ve found myself, my child and my calling. While I’ve been an educator for decades in Boulder, Colorado, I’m also a devoted parent, a speaker, a mentor of young teachers, a writer and a seeker. 

With a Master’s in Education, a teacher’s lens and a doula’s experience, having run both for-profit and non-profit businesses built around empowering families and self-expression, along with extensive post-graduate social and emotional intelligence training, I know how to counsel parents who want to do their best by their children. Who are committed not to perfection, but to a presence of mind.

Alongside my professional endeavors, I’ve done my own deep personal work in therapy and coaching both, allowing me to discern what really matters - authenticity, humility, and connection. As a coach, I weave these attributes of consciousness together for families to help create parenting that’s honest, nurturing and transformative. 



Free on-demand webinar to learn 3 effective strategies to help your kids navigate their BIG emotions.



Free On-DEMAND Webinar to Learn 3 effective strategies to help your kids navigate their big emotions.


True nature | True nurture