Incessant Distractions


Our phones are constantly beeping and squawking and dinging at us. Somehow, because we take them everywhere, they seem to take precedent over what we're actually doing.

As you’re able, don’t allow this.

Your kiddos are watching.

If you jump to see who’s calling every time your mobile rings, the message is that that phone is most important.

If your child is talking to you, unless it’s urgent, please ignore the ring. Deliberately, and without looking, silence it.

When you’re typing a text, and talking with your child, you’re half present. Instead, ask them to wait, explaining you’d prefer to do one thing at a time.

IE. “Let me just text this person back as it’s timely, and then we can continue our conversation. I don’t want to do both at once because then I’m not being present with you. Please give me a second.”

In today’s world of endless interruptions, try to not let your interactions with your phone send the subtle (but powerful) message that your child is less important.

Acknowledge the disruptions, do one thing at a time and take back your presence.

More Tips & Tools

Jennifer Wert