Be Near


There were decades where parents overdid and competed with each other to overdo. They thought they needed to protect their children from any struggle that they might encounter, snowplow each path they were about to walk so their shoes stayed dry.

We’ve learned all the ways this type of parenting does not serve. Our children need to learn how to problem-solve, to advocate for themselves, to creatively make their way through sticky situations and feel their uncomfortable feelings.

This allows them to build character and grit so they can not only survive the bigger world but be healthy leaders in it.

The work to focus on as a parent today is how to just be near, and available to your children. In this way, they’re allowed to have their own unique experiences, while knowing they can come to you when they need help.

And when they come, instead of bringing up ways to fix the problem, as our adult minds naturally want to do, instead - just listen. The brainstorm of ideas on what to do next can come later, ideally with your child leading.

Remember - just let them have their experiences, whatever they might be; all you need to do is be near and don’t interfere.

More Tips & Tools

Jennifer Wert