Displaying Art


What you hang up in your home speaks volumes about who you are, what’s important to you and what you hold as most beautiful. Consider including your children’s artwork. 

Put it up with a magnet on the refrigerator for a season or prop it up on the mantel for a month. Some pieces are so full of character, they might even be framable…

Our kiddos take in these gestures (both small and big) and feel honored when we acknowledge their hard work and their creations. 

Be sure to include odd sketches you particularly like, a poem you wrote together, an especially fun game of dots you want to remember, the list of license plate states he gathered on the last road trip, maybe even a graded spelling test she was especially proud of.

Decorate your home by displaying creations that are uniquely them, and others that reflect your family values. Anything goes!

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Jennifer Wert