The Power of Yes


When you can, and as long as you’re offering up plenty of appropriate Nos, say the word - Yes.  

When the answer is No, pause to consider as there may be part of it that’s a yes. Usually, there is and instead of saying that part second, go ahead and lead with it. Begin with what will work or what is happening. Then, explain what won’t. 

At times, none of it is okay so then the only yes to offer, which still might be helpful, is “Yes, I hear you; I hear that you want to…” And then you have to tell them why they can’t. But, even here, starting with a Yes, will affect the dynamic over time.

For kiddos, who’re frustrated not being the ones in charge so much of the time, it feels more spacious. For us as parents, too, this pause to look for what is possible or positive, feels different. Energetically, it’s worth considering…

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Jennifer Wert